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Tomahawk Steak

If you’re looking to buy your favorite tomahawk (or cowboy ribeye) steak online, there’s no better place to do it than with Braveheart. These fresh, high quality cuts of steak are guaranteed to be delicious, all at a price that others can’t compete with. There’s a reason why professional level chefs seek this meat out specifically for their dishes, and impressing your friends and family with these well-cooked steaks is sure to elevate your status as master of the meat.

There’s no mystery when it comes to this product. Every single cut of meat Braveheart provides can be traced all the way back to the family-owned farm it came from, and these tomahawk steaks are no different. Braveheart does this to ensure that anyone who orders from us can be certain that they’re getting the best possible meat from a reliable source.

Tomahawk steaks are naturally one of the most delicious cuts of steak, but there’s more to the meat than just taste. The specific way tomahawk steaks are cleaned and trimmed results in their unique appearance.This leads to tomahawk steaks being perfect for both new and seasoned chefs to not only work with meat that tastes fresh out of a premium steakhouse, but can easily be presented as if they work in a five-star restaurant! 

From backyard barbecues to once in a lifetime celebrations, Braveheart’s tomahawk steaks are perfect for any and every special occasion that needs something delicious on the menu. They are unique, they are delicious, and if you’re looking for the best of these cuts of steak, then look no further than Braveheart Foods.


Try this flavorful, easy to make recipe for steak bites that’s perfect for any event.