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Porterhouse vs. Ribeye Steaks

For steak lovers, there's nothing quite like the deliciousness of a perfectly-cooked cut of beef. While each steak has its own qualities that make it someone’s favorite, there are two steaks that tend to stand out in terms of flavor that make them especially popular. These two top steaks are porterhouse and ribeye

For steak lovers, there's nothing quite like the deliciousness of a perfectly-cooked cut of beef. While each steak has its own qualities that make it someone’s favorite, there are two steaks that tend to stand out in terms of flavor that make them especially popular. These two top steaks are porterhouse and ribeye. 

Porterhouse steak and ribeye steak have long been favorites for those that prefer the taste and texture of a tender grade beef, but many steak enthusiasts disagree on which one is ultimately the better option. 

For steak lovers, there's nothing quite like the deliciousness of a perfectly-cooked cut of beef. While each steak has its own qualities that make it someone’s favorite, there are two steaks that tend to stand out in terms of flavor that make them especially popular. These two top steaks are porterhouse and ribeye. 


Porterhouse and ribeye steaks have long been favorites for those that prefer the taste and texture of a tender grade beef, but many steak enthusiasts disagree on which one is ultimately the better option. 


There’s no way to know which one you’ll prefer unless you know the deal about both cuts of steak. This blog will go over the basics of porterhouse steaks and ribeye steaks so that you can make the most informed choice you can on which one you’ll want to enjoy for steak dinner night.

What Is a Porterhouse Steak?

Porterhouse steaks are a cut of beef from the short loin primarily known for its large size and strong flavor. This steak cut comes from the leaner lower rib portion of the cow, which gives the porterhouse an overall lower amount of fat compared to other cuts. This lower fat content can be the turning point for many steak enjoyers, one way or the other. They may either prefer a higher fat content in their steaks or a lower one.


Porterhouse steaks are fairly large, and this is because they are actually two cuts of meat instead of a single one. On one side of the porterhouse, you’ll find the strip steak, and on the other, you’ll find the tenderloin. Many enjoy the two for one nature of the porterhouse steak, and with it being two different cuts at once, the flavor of the steak will vary depending on which side you’re eating.

What is a Ribeye Steak?

Ribeye steaks are steaks that are well known for their many delicious qualities. The ribeye comes from the rib section of the count, right on the center of its back.  One of the most notable features of the ribeye steak is its fat content. It’s known for being fattier than other steak cuts, which results in a juicy taste and a tender texture when cooked.


Because of the ribeye’s fat content, it also has the marbling trait that many other steaks don’t share. This means that ribeye steaks will be tender and retain their meaty flavor, no matter how they are cooked. The fact that ribeye steaks have this quality makes them a common favorite among many steak enjoyers.

Which One Should You Choose?

Porterhouse steaks and ribeye steaks differ from each other in many ways. Porterhouse steaks are much larger, even if you separate the two halves from each other. If you’re given the opportunity to purchase both the strip steak and the tenderloin at the same time, you’ll enjoy getting the most bang for your buck. However, while ribeye steaks tend to be more expensive than porterhouse steaks, that doesn’t mean that they aren’t worth the price. The succulent and tender nature of a ribeye is more than worth it for many people.


Ultimately, after cost, the choice comes down to your preference of flavor and texture. If you prefer fattier, tender cuts of meat, then the ribeye steak is perfect for you. However, if you prefer your steak to be larger and leaner, then the porterhouse steak is the one you should go with. No matter which steak you choose, you want the best you can find. Braveheart Foods is the place for you to get your high quality dinner meats.

Braveheart is the Place For You to Buy Your Steak

Braveheart Foods has a wide variety of delicious and affordable steaks and other meats for you to serve at dinner. Each one is guaranteed to leave you and your guests more than satisfied by the time the last fork is put down.


Contact us today with any questions you may have, and feel free to take a look at the rest of our inventory to see which one is right for you.

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