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Beef Bulgogi Spring Rolls

Looking for a refreshing and nutritious lunch? These beef bulgogi spring rolls are the perfect addition to your week. This dish offers superior texture and flavor that you are guaranteed to love. The flavors of fresh vegetables, tender bulgogi beef, and soft rice paper blend together to create a delicious and refreshing meal.


  • 2 cups Braveheart Beef Bulgogi

  • 3 carrots, shredded and peeled

  • 1 cup iceberg lettuce, finely chopped

  • 1 cup mushrooms, sliced

  • 1 package round rice paper


  1. Dip rice paper in a bowl of water for 5-10 seconds.

  2. To assemble the spring rolls, place the rice paper on a flat, clean surface. Add carrots, beef, lettuce, and mushrooms to the center of the rice paper, forming a line.

  3. Fold both sides of the rice paper and roll like a burrito, making sure contents are sealed inside.

  4. Serve with a dipping sauce of your choice and enjoy!

Enjoy this recipe? Try Braveheart Korean Corn Dog. This dish is filled with unique flavor and texture that is guaranteed to satisfy your taste buds.  Check out our beef cut guide.